Thursday, July 5, 2007

Oops...I did it again!

I should be working, but I'm not. Go figure.
I got engrossed in the Glampyre Knits' (Stefanie Japel of "Fitted Knits") blog. Again.
Then I linked over to Spincycle - handspun yarn heaven!
I couldn't help myself, I'm an addict and I know it.
I bought this really snazzy pattern from them called a "Harf" - a marriage between a hat and a scarf. I've been looking for this type of pattern for ages. Finally, an item that keeps your head AND neck warm. No more having to knit hat and scarf sets. How cute will this be come January with my wool toggle coat.

They also had a great earflap hat pattern where you knit from the top down meaning there's no need to pick up stitches for the flaps. Genius.

I think that my post-college transition is going to be made much smoother by all the knitting I'm doing. I love Barnard, but it sure didn't leave me much time for relaxation or fiberly pursuits. Who knows what I might come up with in the next couple of months. Dare I say a sweater perhaps!?
Maybe I can even get my mom to finish the wrap I started her on back in March. (Note to world: never try to teach your mother how to knit. You'll end up yelling and then she'll remind you not to take "that" tone with her, she's still your mother. She'll probably tell you that if she could potty-train you, she can learn to knit. You'll undoubtedly roll your eyes at this, but what can you do?)

**All photos courtesy of Spincycle Yarns**

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