Friday, July 20, 2007


I can hardly contain myself.
This is my last day of work at a job that I really dislike.
I'm not so much excited about leaving the job as I am about the fact that I have at least a week before I am gainfully employed again which means...

I will have entirely free days during which I can knit, knit, knit! Getting home at 6pm and then having to deal with dinner, working out, etc just leaves me exhausted and if I start knitting at 10pm I'm probably not getting to bed until 1am which means I will never wake up the next morning. Also - little Miss Fiona the kitten demands alot of attention.

With the new job I have lined up I will be able to take the train to work which provides ample time for knitting on the way into the city and the way out. I will also have a decent lunch break during which I can actually LEAVE my office and enjoy nature instead of being faced with major roadway outside the door.

Maybe this post-college transition won't be so terrible after all.

Things I need to finish up -

1. Baby blanket (I've been working this since October! The baby is here and I'd like her to have it before cold weather sets in)
2. Felted bowl (Now that I've rescued my double points from the darn moving company I can decrease, bind off, and felt the sucker)
3. Knitty Wisp (This pattern hates me, but I am determined to make it work and then not touch Rowan Kidsilk Haze for a while)

I also need to seriously decrease my stash. Why do I keep buying yarn when I already have so much!? Is there a diagnosis for this problem? I see lots of one skein projects in my future.

Goals -

1. Finally knit a sweater! How long have I been putting this off? Oh, just the last four years or so. I've been a competent knitter from day one, but I just can't commit to a sweater yet. It's time I take the plunge though and expand my horizons.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog is very interesting!
Please, send me the photo of your pc desk and the link of your blog.
I'll publish on my blog!.
Thanks Frank