Saturday, August 4, 2007

Feather and Fan Stitch Baby Blanket

A FO...finally!
I started this baby blanket in October in 2006 for my (surrogate) niece.
Juliana Rose was born on July 10th and I finished the blanket earlier this week after half a year of off and on work between classes and thesis work and the rest of life.

Yarn: 8 balls of Zara merino wool
Needles: US 9 circulars
Pattern: Feather and Fan stitch

Despite a few kinks in the road - this pattern gets tedious after a bit - I think it turned out beautifully and will hopefully serve little Juliana well. It's light and lacy enough for use in a stroller or crib in the warmer weather, but large enough that she could be bundled up in it come fall and winter. I really love the minty green color too. I'm not one to ascribe to the whole gendered color thing - pinks for girls and blues for boys. I like that this color matches the underwater theme of the nursery well. I'm pretty excited to give it to the little peanut sometime this coming week.

My newest project is the famous Elizabeth Zimmerman February baby sweater found in her Knitter's Almanac. Updates on that soon!